History of Secord Lake Eagles
A fraternal organization is a "voluntary association of persons having certain ethnic, social, religious or economic characteristics is common." Prominent among them is the Fraternal Order of Eagles (founded 1898) which has no ethnic characteristics, nor a specific religious bonds, nor offers any economic security --so-- it is originally labeled a "Social Fraternal Organization."
It is purely coincidental that a few of us (now Charter members) were sitting around at Flint Eagles Aerie #629 one evening discussing various things. Someone wistfully said "Wish we had an Eagles Club at Secord." Here was expressed a "Social" need.
Immediately Porter Kell (of Secord Lake) and Betty Bobbitt (of Flint #629) went to work, with the help of Jack Edwards, Sec. of Flint #629; Bob Myers, Grand Aerie Outside Guard; Art Sinclair, an Organizer; Mary Myers, State Madam President; and Barbara Cyphers, Grand Aux. Secretary said "WE HAVE IT."
Jack, Bob and Art came up in July, 1985, met with Kell then went out to talk with various people around her, gave out applications & signed some up, for Charter Members. Wyman (Pike) Douglas, Reno Puggini, Don Wendland, Betty Bobbett, Virgina (Mac) Douglas and many others helped.
There were several meetings at Lost Arrow, a restaurant-hunting-lodge on the Tittabawassee River north of us in Clement Township.
The Aerie signed up 123 Charter Member applications; the Auxiliary signed up 95 of which only 79 were present to become initiated while the men initiated 112 Charter members.
The Institution of #4121 and installation of officers was held 9/7/1985 at Secord Township Hall with a huge circus-type tent to accommodate the men at this double ceremony. The Grand Aerie and Auxiliary did the honors followed by dinner and dance.
The following are the first officers installed in due form:
Aerie |
Auxillary |
President |
Porter Kell |
Lori Bader |
Vice-Pres |
Reno Puggini |
Treva Piegols |
Jr. Past Pres. |
Wyman Douglas |
Elaine St. Louis |
Sec. |
Dallas Callahan |
Maria Alward |
Treas. |
Larry (Corky) Alward |
Betty Ankney |
Chaplain |
George (Joe) Spohn |
Alice Beck |
Trustees |
William Beck |
Hope Wendland |
Donald Wendland |
Sharon Cahoon |
Kenneth Hitzler |
Lucinda Parker |
O.S. Guard |
Robert Beck |
Dolores Wood |
I.S. Guard |
Lolyd Piegols |
Beverly Spohn |
Conductor |
William Boren |
Sue Beck |
Lacking our own club house, the Aerie continued holding meetings at Lost Arrow and the Secord Lake Lounge while the Auxiliary met at Secord Township Hall. The first goal was to obtain a place of our own and immediately a committee of five (Robert and William Beck, don Wendland, Arthur Plott and Robert Sullivan ) went to work in search of any available property. Within the next month, Pres Kell had word that the Arthur Whitney property was available for $45,000.00. It consisted of a dwelling measuring 20' x 40' for a total of 800sq. ft. on a spacious lake-front lot approximating 1 1/3 acres of land at the corner of Lakeshore Drive and Wirtz Road. This being in residential area, immediate neighbors were contacted notifying them of our intent and a letter sent to the Township Board whose response indicated no opposition.
When the purchase agreement was completed (12-11-85) the down payment, $8,000 was funded by donations from 41 members and another $8,000.00 was granted by the Grand Aerie for additions and improvements. The Secord Lake Eagles at last found their "nest." Enthusiasm ran high and all volunteer labor from members soon converted the house into a meeting room and the wooded lot cleared for parking.
Needless to say, ownership added new responsibilities and costs such as taxes, insurance, mortgage payments, maintenance and improvements. Expenses were defrayed by raffles, food sales, yard and bake sales, a used car give-away, water ski shows, harvest/hunters dinners and many gifts and donations.
Membership grew so fast that the annual quota was met and passed beyond expectations. The Aerie recorded 203 and the Auxiliary had 88 members by the end of 1986. It became evident that more space was needed to satisfy the needs of these bodies. Again the Committees went to work - the Building and the Finance Committees combined their knowledge and efforts to effect a program for expansion.
Within our first year a momentous occasion occurred: the presentation of our Charter with 112 inscribed for the Aerie and 79 names for the Auxiliary as the Official Charter Members. Also the month of May was the birth of our monthly "Newsletter." Another important move was in progress - the incorporation of this organization as a non-profit one.
Meanwhile in the background the Auxiliary inspired their members and Brothers by holding fund raisers: Christmas, Halloween; Valentines parties, pig roasts and hosted District 12 for the first time on 7/20/86 under a tent. Officers meetings of both branches were held regularty to combine all resources and ideas to promote improvements an/or additions to the limited quarters. Many costly obstacles were met and overcome, namely; conversion f the kitchen, the installation of restroom, repairs to the well and disposal system, construction of landing docks on the waterfront, moving the heating system, adding office space along with a sheltered entrance, correcting and improving fresh air movement, parking lot, etc. A host of talents and abilities were discovered within our membership. As these changes unfolded, our membership continued to climb to a total of 238 in Aerie and 146 in the Auxiliary by the second year end.
This growth plainly accented the need to add on the the structure. The Fund Raising Committee went into motion headed by Dick Henry. The big question arose again - where and how do we get financing as estimated preliminary plans ran into approximately $45,000.00.
On Oct. 18, 1987, at the Joint Offices meeting, a proposal to borrow $70,000 from First of America of Gladwin for 15 years was reviewed. This amount would pay off the original mortgage and included the rough-in costs of a 40' x 60' addition. After all legalities were met, J&E Construction of Gladwin were contracted and the work finished before the winter freeze-up.
As before membership by the end of our third year (1988) continued to grow with 343 in the Aerie and 195 in Auxiliary. Expanded activities stimulated interest along with the obvious -- the new structure was really there.
Since the new financing covered only the rough-in exterior and limited work on the inside, Aerie members instituted a volunteer workday for each Tuesday. As many as 20 turned out regularly to lend a hand. The Auxiliary in turn supported all efforts by a constant inflow of cash through euchre parties, New Years breakfast, ceiling "floaters", drywall "boards" contributions, jewelry sale, fashion show and luncheon.
This year we were the fortunate recipients of a "windfall" of furniture, wall lights and other equipment from Elias Brothers of Flint. A need developed for an internal control system so the card-key door was installed.
The special in-put meetings started 10/2/88. The purpose was to pick up and discuss all new ideas, work plans, etc. with the entire membership participating. This gave everyone an opportunity to air his/her beefs as well as offer suggestions.
By this time we were anxious to have approval from the Health Department and the Liquor Control Commission in order to obtain a license covering the new section. Approval was deferred until restrooms were completed and the walls finished. The work incentive plan was expanded to allow workers to accumulate credits with which they could purchase anything affiliated with the fund-raising items.
Now a much feared calamity struck -- the well went dry. To the rescue came the Auxiliary with a donation to cover all costs of a new well.
2/14/89: At this writing the volunteers are daubing drywall seams, painting the walls and finishing the restrooms. Conversations are running ahead to the next step - furnishing the kitchen and putting on the siding with funding hopefully from contributions of $100.00 from each member as the pledge this year.
In closing this summary, it is my hope that someone will add to this history and Secord Lake F.O.E. #4121 each year and keep a running report of its progress.
Elaine St. Louis, P.M.P.
Acting Historian & Editor of the Newsletter
***this letter was re-typed leaving punctuation and grammar intact
Thank you, Elaine